Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Teach Her Young

I love Pinterest just as much as the next girl. I love looking through the Wedding section and planning my "dream wedding" (which in reality is fairly simple). I love looking at different house decorating tips, as well as organization tools you can get from the dollar store. And don't get me started on the photography board. 

The other night I was scrolling through the "Kids" board before going to bed. I don't have children of my own yet but life has blessed me with the opportunity of being around children often; I also like to prepare myself with helpful tips from mothers for when my time comes. 

While I was scrolling on my iPad through the various pins, I came across an image that at first startled me, and then upset me. I'm not raging or extremely angry, nor am I trying to pass judgement on whoever is responsible for the post. I am simply disappointed. This is the image I came across:

Now for some this may seem harmless, but to me, it makes me sad. In today's world women are plagued with low self esteem as well as false ideals of what makes a woman "sexy" as they constantly see photoshopped women in bikinis, or even sometimes half naked. We may not realize it at the time, but those images that we see on TV or on magazine covers at the grocery store are also being seen by the eyes of your young daughter. Too many young girls grow up striving to be something that is fake, and sometimes unhealthy. But they also grow up thinking that they have to dress the way those models and celebrities dress in order to please the eyes of those around them. This is the reason this image unsettles me so much; it is because this young child is being taught at an extremely young age to dress the way the world deems appropriate, cute/sexy, and modern, when in fact it is highly inappropriate. You may not agree, but hear me out: 

When I was growing up my mother would not let me leave the house unless my shoulders, chest, and knees were covered. At the time when fashion suggested otherwise, I felt like I was being cheated of some highly desired experience, and that boys would view me as unattractive and odd. I was so focused on attracting the attention of said boys, that I over looked the vitally important lesson that my mother was trying to teach me. 

Later in my life, there was a time period where I found myself trying to cheat the standards. I would try to meet my mother's standards but I would push the limits and maybe wear my shorts a little higher than she would have liked, or possibly wear a shirt that was a little more revealing. I quickly learned that the attention I was receiving was not the kind I wanted, and I soon began to feel uncomfortable. Yet fashion begged me to conform to the ideals of modern society. Even now, to this day, it can be a real struggle. There are days when I try to put an outfit together and find that it would be "so much cuter" if I could wear those short shorts I saw at Forever 21, or it would be much more flattering if I didn't have to wear a jacket to cover my shoulders. I've even used climate change to try and rationalize my clothing choices. However, fashion should never dictate how I or anyone else presents themselves to the world. Fashion will continuously change, our moral values and standards should not. 

The point I am trying to make, is that this poor young child, and many others, are being dressed immodestly by their mothers who at the time may not realize how harmful their actions could be. Sure it may look cute now, but when she is in her teens and walking out of the house in shorts that barely cover her backside and a shirt that exposes her chest...will it still be cute? 

There is a Chinese Proverb that says "Personal example carries more weight than preaching". Parents, if you can teach your daughters by example how to dress modestly, they will always have an idea of what is appropriate, and if you do a little research, you will find that there are PLENTY of ways to dress modestly and still keep up with some of the current trends. Mothers (and fathers! You play a role in this too)...I beg you to please for the sake of your daughters (and other mothers' sons), to teach them how to respectfully dress themselves. Teach them while they are young that they have a worth that needs to be protected from those who are undeserving. Teach them that by showing respect for themselves, others will respect them even more. 

My hope is that when my turn comes around to raise my own children, I will have the courage to lead by example and set the standards rather than try to avoid them.

Monday, April 21, 2014

What Makes You Happy?

I have to say, I'm quite ashamed I've neglected to write for so long. Being in the Writing Studies Major, it's rather embarrassing I let myself forget to do what I love: write! 

I will try to redeem myself by mentioning that I'm in my last week of school before I have to endure the dreaded week of Finals. With that said, the semester is almost over and I can't help but reflect on my first semester here at Utah Valley University. It has been nothing like what I planned or thought it would be. Here's the mini breakdown of things I most definitely was not expecting:

1. I tore my ACL pole vaulting in my first track meet...which also happened to be the first week of school

2. I spent over $1,000 in medical bills because my health insurance decided not cover my out of state injury

3. I spent a week on crutches before I decided to go against my better judgement and use a knee brace instead

4. I signed up for a 7am math class which resulted in lack of sleep and horrible test scores

5. One of my roommates got involved in both pharmaceutical and street drugs, as well as marijuana which resulted in cops, SWAT and paramedics to have a party in our living room at 4am 

Those are only a few of the bigger issues I had to deal with on top of school work. Still, despite what might seem to be a dismal first semester, I couldn't be happier with the way things turned out. While I definitely had some rough spots where I felt like giving up, there were only a few. The way I see it, I could have had a horrible experience by simply focusing on all the negative things that were happening. Instead, I decided to focus my energy towards what made me happy, and I found plenty.

Number One

I know Easter was yesterday, but really we should be thankful for the sacrifice our Savior Jesus Christ made for us every single day. Still, with the holiday this past weekend, I thought a lot about Christ's love for me. Knowing you are loved is one of the greatest feelings ever. Love and belonging are two of our basic needs as humans, and whether or not we remember, Christ offers that to us 24/7.  I know I'm not a perfect human being, and even though my efforts to try to be aren't always at 100%, he still loves me. I couldn't be more grateful for the thousands of second chances he has given me. Knowing my Savior's love for me is what drives my happiness and influences the way I share that love with others.

Number Two

I would be a fool not to recognize this wonderful man as one of my top reasons for being so happy this semester. The only reason he isn't my number one is...well because it's kind of hard to top Jesus.  After I tore my ACL (you can kind of see my brace in the picture), Josh heard about my injury at church and decided to buy me "get well" flowers. You have to understand, I had only been in Utah for a week at this point and hardly knew anyone; we had only briefly met a few days before. When I called him to say thank you he offered to drive me to school and anywhere else I needed and/or company if I wanted it. We started seeing each other everyday after that and within two weeks we officially started dating. 

Our relationship has become so much more than I could have ever imagined. We've had struggles just like any healthy relationship will, and through all of them I have gained a best friend who (conveniently) happens to be the love of my life. Since the very beginning Josh has been my rock and constant reminder of what true happiness feels like. 

Number Three

Spring/Summer. I can't even begin to express how happy these two seasons make me. It must be the sun. There is nothing better than feeling the warm sun sink into your skin. Of course being half Polynesian I might be slightly biased ;) 

Aside from that, Spring and Summer have so much to offer. I've always loved the outdoors and it's limitless posibilities. Even though it sounds cliché, I really do love getting away from the city and electronics (except for my camera...I love my camera) and simply connecting with nature. It's literally a breath of fresh hair. 

These are only my top 3 reasons for being happy. If I listed them all I'd have to compile a book. The most important thing to get out of this is that despite the unstable, negative, and depressing moments of your life, they are just that: a moment. And moments come and go. I know it's been said a million times before, but life really is too short to be worrying about things you can't change. If it's in the past, leave it there. Focus on building your life upon happy moments so that you can appreciate them later in life rather than regretting that you spent the majority of your time pouting. I'm not saying there won't be times worth grieving over, but if you can learn to choose happiness instead of anger, depression, etc., getting over those unhappy times will only get easier. 

So....what makes you happy?



Sunday, January 5, 2014

Divine Assitance

Happy New Year!

With the new year, most people create resolutions and set goals. Whether or not we officially call them resolutions, we all at some point create a mental list of ways to improve our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual selves. A lot of the time, these goals are left on the wall as nothing more than just a reminder of who we would like to be. Granted, there are times where we come across a goal that we see through, but more often then not, the majority are left unmet. 

Before writing this post, I had a vague idea of what I wanted to write, but I wasn't quite sure how to explain my thoughts without seeming scatter brained. Then, this little gem popped into my head: "For with God all things are possible." (Mark 10:27) How true is that?! Alone, our goals, no matter how big or small, can seem impossible or difficult to achieve. We sometimes do not realize that the answer is simple. If we but step back and accept humility along with our Heavenly Father's help, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

As I sat in church today, a girl brought up a good point. In the Bible, Moses speaks to God. Multiple times Satan attempts to coax Moses away. Multiple times, Moses would respond by saying "Get thee hence" or "Depart hence, Satan". However powerful these statements alone were, they were not enough to send him away. 
"Nevertheless, calling upon God...he commanded, saying: Depart from me...And it came to pass that Satan...departed hence." (Moses 1:20-22).

While this particular example deals with temptation, it can be applied in various ways, as well as setting goals. Without the assistance and divine power of God, Moses was unable to get rid of Satan's presence. It wasn't until after Moses had called upon God, that he was able to send him away. This is so important to remember in EVERY aspect of our lives, and not just setting goals. "For with God all things are possible."

As you go through your day (and year), keep this in mind. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13) If ever you feel defeated, beaten down, or stuck, call upon God and ask for his divine assistance and try again.

With that said, I hope everyone is able to accomplish their goals and have a positively joyous day, week, month, year.... and LIFE!

